a) To provide for formal education and training to needy children orphaned or children in exceptional need by:
i) Providing full or partial tuition fees to public and private educational and training institutions qualified to provide diplomas or certificates in language training, accounting/book keeping, computer, general office administration or other academic courses that would further the primary purpose of the Society;
ii) Providing for living allowances and/or subsidies for students where warranted through a means test;
iii) Providing scholarships, bursaries and prizes for scholastic excellence.
b) To assist senior guardians of orphaned children or children in exceptional need to support and undertake the education and training of their wards by:
i) Providing programs and activities designed to promote and improve the mental and physical health of orphans or children in exceptional need and their families, including sex education, alcohol and drug abuse prevention and personal hygiene.
ii) Providing orphaned children or children in exceptional need with dental and medical care.