
a) To provide for formal education and training to needy children orphaned or children in exceptional need

This goal will be measured according to the participation and reported benefits of practitioners’ involvement in mutual learning, exchange, training and capacity building activities. Researchers, experienced individuals and academic institutes are also expected to be actively involved. In the long-term we also want to measure and monitor reported benefits for children. In the frame of the next strategic plan, particular attention will be given to the development of training and capacity building activities, better exploiting the wealth of expertise existing in the network.

i) Provide specialized training sessions and seminars to assist orphaned children and children in need plan their education and training for a better future,
ii) Provide psychological sessions to assist orphaned children and children in need improve their social skills to increase their employability and participation in society,
iii) Seek employers and arrange apprenticeship and/or training programs to assist orphaned children and children in need advance their education and employment potential.

b) To assist guardians of orphaned children or children in exceptional need to support and undertake the essential education, training and social skills.

To ensure that guardians are kept up to date on social, political and other issues that may affect the advancement of orphaned children or children in exceptional need to enable them to easily integrate and succeed in unstable and difficult environment.

i) Providing advice to guardians on programs and activities designed to promote and improve the mental and physical health of orphans or children in exceptional need and their families, including sex education, alcohol and drug abuse prevention and personal hygiene.
ii) Providing orphaned children or children in exceptional need with dental and medical care.