From February of 2018, according to the agreement with “Vardanyan Design Studio” LTD, whose qualified specialists have taught so far 9 children of Yerevan city the Web Programming, and 8 students have already hired.
More than 480 children participated in our informatics courses, 37 of them have been hired in various state and non-state institutions.
More than 250 children participated in seminars by the theme «Career Path and Psychology of Work» and «Ecology».
60 children received a financial assistance, more than 370 received the aid.
In Canada an exhibition and sale of 120 children and 35 disabled children’s handwork has been organized.
520 pensioners and 135 orphans children received the dental therapeutic and surgical assistance. Within the framework of program 1000 educational brochures by the theme «Mouth Care» and «Struggle against Caries» were distributed in schools.