Our beneficiaries

After the destructive earthquake in 1988 that devastated several villages in an 80 km area killing between 25,000 and 50,000 and injuring up to 130,000. The Armenian people found themselves in an unspeakable hardship were thousands of families remained homeless and thousands of children lost their parents and not even managing to reestablish the loss, the liberation war was started, which deepen the population’s already difficult situation.

The Armenian people, who had already experienced the genocide, could win this war and chose a new path of historical development, the path of independence, which unfortunately followed the global economic crisis, and this economic situation was a negative Influence, mainly to the most vulnerable people in society, to the thousands of children who have been orphaned as a result of the earthquake and war.

The bad politiques that followed the independence of the country contributed to the sharp increase in the number of children in orphanages, corruption and dictatorship, unemployment, poverty and the most horrific and unprecedented emigration.

It has been already officially referred to the 50% of poverty in the country…
And children living in extreme poverty are waiting for someone to remember them and give the small toy of their dreams only on holidays.

We implemented the programs related to the issues mentioned above and helped 480 kids from Yerevan and other region of Armenia, especially from Lori and Shirak regions.